Croatia Wedding Directory


Get started for free! No credit card or upfront payment required.

Choose the profile that fits your needs:

  • Basic Profile – free: Instantly activated, with access to basic features for your wedding service.
  • Upgrading from Basic to PRO requires moderator contact (
  • Pro Profile: Instantly activated,full access to all features.
  • After you create your profile(s), we will send payment details in 48h.
  • Endorsing/recommending other profiles. – By recommending other profiles on the website, your profile will be shown on theirs, increasing your visibility.
  • Search resultsPro profiles are always shown before Basic profiles  in search results. 
  • Featured profiles are always shown before Pro and Basic. 

50% off on all PRO profiles.
Promotion ends 15.06.2024.


Limited Options
1 Listing Profile
10 Images
10 Videos

Pro 1

€ 100 50
per Year - Tax included
1 Listing Profile
10 Images
10 Videos
Social links
Link to your website
Mobile number
Contact form
Appear in search results before Basic profiles
SAVE 50%

Pro 2

€ 160 80
per Year - Tax included
2 Listing Profiles
10 Images per profile
10 Videos per profile
Calendar per profile
Social links per profile
Website link per profile
Mobile number per profile
Contact form per profile
Appear in search results before Basic profiles
SAVE 50%

Pro 3

€ 200 100
per Year - Tax included
3 Listing Profiles
10 Images per profile
10 Videos per profile
Calendar per profile
Social links per profile
Website link per profile
Mobile number per profile
Contact form per profile
Appear in search results before Basic profiles
Each extra profile + €50 (Tax included)
SAVE 50%